Chiropractors THRIVE - Create a More Profitable Business?
This FREE ebook "Inspired Wealth: Financial Leadership for the 21st Century" outlines steps and tools to follow easily!
Most Chiropractors struggle to increase profitability. You are not alone!
This is the original book that started my own personal journey to financial abundance. These easy to learn concepts can map out your 10 year exit strategy to creating financial independence.
These concepts enabled me to become part of a start-up biotechnology company, growing the company from inception to a mature force in the area of autism and other neurological disorders where there is an unmet healthcare need. And along the way increase the value of the company from 20 Million to a valuation of over 150 Billion. Imagine what these principles can do for you!
YOU can become more profitable, and attract abundance and prosperity, with 12 step by step principles to follow.
I am a business and executive coach.
I've learned some life lessons about Money - the Money Mindset!
Through my own journey in healthcare - private practitioner, coach to thousands of Chiropractors, biotech startup Director of Investors - I've learned the tools and strategies of business and financial attraction.